The interactive map above shows the entire chase. Follow the colours of the rainbow (ROYGBI) to see the sequence in order as you note the photo matches in this blog entry. Click the icon on the top left to open the legend. Click on the route lines and the blue markers with motorcycles to view key locations. Use the + and - buttons to zoom the map as necessary. Now, let's go! Start (RED line): Simulatte, Montgomery St at Pine St
Location Notes: Buckle up! This section will follow the chase all the way through. As with most films, this sequence does not follow a single, logical progression through San Francisco but all major locations are included here. There are separate sections on the helicopter and bot attacks also in this blog.
The chase starts at Montgomery and Pine facing north (photos above). Keep the door into Simulatte (Joe & the Juice) on your left and face Pine St.
ORANGE line: Chase continues to Montgomery St at Sacramento St
Location Notes: Now we see a helicopter view of Montgomery street including the Montgomery/Sacramento intersection (match 1). Sheperd's car is seen at this intersection in front of the Citi Bank (match 2). The motorcycle with Trinity and Neo has been travelling west on Sacramento and turns left onto Montgomery (match 3) where Neo elbows some bots (we see the bank behind him) and they continue down Montgomery where they pass the two sconces (match 4). We then see Sheperd's car turn down the same street and get swarmed by bots. Lexy and Berg's car appears and bots are fought along the stretch of Montgomery between Sacramento and California. Editors then cut in a shot from the Zombie Bot Attack and we are suddenly on Sansome St following the motorcycle toward the Bank of the Orient (match 5), before returning to the intersection of Montgomery and California. The motorcycle now appears to be heading west down California (match 6). This sequence culminates with Neo blocking several bots who attempt to jump off an overhang at the Bank of Guam onto the motorcycle (match 7). The Bank of Guam is at 404 Montgomery just before the California intersection.
YELLOW line: Grant Plaza sequence, Pine St at Grant Ave
Location Notes: Now we jump to Grant Avenue. Sheperd, heading south on Grant, makes a left turn onto Pine, tangles with police, and comes to a squealing stop at the Grant Plaza hotel, which is right on the corner of Pine St and Grant Ave (match 1). A man, who is driving while watching the action, becomes a bot and slams into a black car in front of the Grant Plaza (interestingly the reverse angle of this shot that appears next is at Grant Ave and California St). Neo and Trinity then make the same dramatic left turn from Grant onto Pine (match 2) and head east down Pine with Sheperd's car following. As they head down this crazy steep hill (photo left), Neo crushes a car in their path and Trinity takes the bike over it and into the air (matches 3 & 4)! We have now reached the Zombie Bot Attack.
GREEN line: Zombie Bot Attack, Sansome St between California St and Pine St
Location Notes: The Zombie Bot Attack begins (match 1) with a bot getting out of bed and crashing out of a window of the Adam Grant building (114 Sansome St) pictured on the left. Bots begin dropping on Trinity and Neo as they head north on Sansome, clearly passing the Bank of the Orient (match 2). The action jumps to a lot of bots dropping on them at the intersection of Pine and Sansome (match 3). A bot then falls on a car, flipping it end over end in front of the 7-11 on Sansome (match 4). We get a reverse view of this car where you can see the flags across the street from the 7-11 (match 5). Lexy and Berg then have a bot hit their windshield in front of the same 7-11. Sheperd, Trinity and Neo continue toward the intersection of Sansome and California (match 6), where Sheperd's car dramatically collides with a streetcar. Trinity and Neo weave past and continue down Sansome (match 7).
BLUE line: Car flip and Zombie Bot wall, Samsone between Sacramento St and California St
Location Notes: Trinity and Neo are now travelling the opposite way, south, down Sansome (match 1, starting at Sacramento) when a bot-driven truck attempts to collide with them. Neo stops it and we see it soar dramatically over the motorcycle in front of Halleck Alley (match 2, at Sansome). Trinity heads down the alley (match 3 and 4) and the bots assemble behind them to create the 'kill zone'.
INDIGO line: The kill zone, Pine St between Sansome St and Front St
Location Notes: Now travel east on Pine street, starting at the Sansome intersection, and you approach the helicopter kill zone. You'll see a lot of familiar signs as you continue down Pine (matches 2 & 3). The helicopters first fire on Trinity and Neo here (match 1, from over the top of the Pacific Gas & Electric Co pictured on the left - it's at 245 Market St) and we see the bike ride through a fireball in front of the ADI|SKY building at 235 Pine St (match 4). The helicopters continue to fire as the motorcycle crosses Battery St and Trinity and Neo are thrown from the bike (match 5). Note the Lenscrafters on the left side of match 5 to help with finding this location.
End: Bugs saves Lexy and Berg, Sansome St in front of the 7-11
Location Notes: The Chase ends with Trinity and Neo being thrown from their bike. Bugs then rescues Lexy and Berg in front of the 7-11 on Sansome. Then we cut to Trinity and Neo on foot, walking toward the lobby of the Stock Exchange Tower at 155 Sansome (it has its own blog entry).
MacLean noted the achievement of this sequence. It was difficult to permit; they had FEMA level safety and she described it as preparing for 9/11. There were live explosions, melted buildings and "calculated mayhem." Originally the rig carrying our heros wouldn't fit under the bus lines in SFO. It was difficult to shut down a bustling city for two weeks to film, yet only two weeks later the streets were almost completely empty due to the first covid lockdown. This page shows every major landmark during the chase sequence. There are separate entries for the Zombie Bot Attack and the Helicopter Attack. Note that Simulatte (Joe & the Juice) is on the corner of Montgomery and Pine if it's all too much and you just want to grab a coffee and chill :).
The Matrix Resurrections is the property of Warner Bros. If you use photos from, please credit us and include a link to our site.
Pine Street between Battery and Front Streets Location Notes: Stand on Pine St looking east and orient by the Lens Crafters. The shot is probably best taken from in the street, but please be careful. The building is the Pacific Gas & Electric Co at 245 Market St. Click on the category 'The Chase' on the right to see the whole sequence. The Matrix Resurrections is the property of Warner Bros. If you use photos from, please credit us and include a link to our site.
AuthorsMarina and Mo are friends from opposite sides of a border who travel and work together. Searching out locations gave us the chance to get together again post pandemic. We hope you enjoy seeing these places as much as we did! Archives
July 2040